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Advertising is offered to anyone that has a product or service that relates to the entertainment business or the people that would use this site.
  • $10/Month (Cancel at any time)
  • Payments accepted by PayPal
  • Easy to start, easy to cancel
  • 150(w)x550(h) Banner
  • Seen on EVERY page
  • 1000+ page hits daily
Be sure to add a note specifying what your AD is with your PayPal Payment. That way we know which payment goes with which AD!

IMPORTANT: Please make the banner sizes 150(width) x 550(height). If you don't know how to make the banner yourself, we can do it for a $25 set-up fee. Just send us an email with the pictures you want on your banner, as well as the text and a brief explanation of what you want, and we will reply with what we have created for you. If we can't create a banner that you like, then there will be no charge.

Be sure to email your banner in the form of a .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .bmp to

As soon as the payment is verfied we will start running your ad until you cancel. There is NO contract. If you decide to only run your AD for one month, then you will only pay $10. If you decide to cancel your AD mid-month, then it will run for the month that you have paid for, and then stop.

Please send all other advertising inquiries to Brent Bailey

Thank you!

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Design By: Brent Bailey, 2010